Saturday, November 8, 2008

Happy Fall - Animated - 83XX

Price: $5.00
This is my first attempt at an animated theme using the Plazmic theme builder so let me know what you think...
Because this theme has some special animated features on the zen home screen and the lock screen it is only available for 4.5 OS download only. I will be providing a version that is not animated for 4.2 and 4.3 users.
**I had several requests for a 4.3 version of the animated version of this theme so I did export it as 4.3 as well... however...please be aware that the animated themes were intended for 4.5 OS and may not work well with 4.3 OS BB's and may operate slowly on your BB... I do know some people running 4.3 who are running these animated themes with no problems but some others are experiencing slower response times with their BB due to the full screen animation on the themes***